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Lab Alumni

PhD Alumni

Pradeep Kumar Jaiswara

Dr. Pradip Kumar Jaiswara

PhD Thesis Title:
"A study on evaluation of therapeutic potential of nimbolide against T cell lymphoma."

Current Affiliation

Post-Doctoral at Stephenson Cancer Center,

The University of Oklahoma Health  Sciences Center,

Oklahoma (USA)

Dr. Vishal Kumar Gupta

PhD Thesis Title:
"Pro-survival activity of lysophosphatidic acid and therapeutic potential of its receptors against T cell lymphoma."

Current Affiliation

Post-doctoral fellow, National Cancer Institute (NCI), 

National Institute of Health (NIH)

Vishal Kumar Gupta

Dr. Rajan Kumar Tiwari

PhD Thesis Title:
Survival regulatory action of epinephrine and therapeutic potential of its receptors against T cell lymphoma"

Current Affiliation

Post-Doctoral at The George Washington University, School of Medicine & Health Sciences

(Washington, DC)

Dr. Shiv Govind Rawat

PhD Thesis Title:
Designing of novel therapeutic strategies against T cell lymphoma by targeting phosphodiesterase-5"

Current Affiliation

Post-doctoral fellow, MD Anderson Cancer Center

Division of Cancer Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

(Houston, TX)


Other Alumni Students

Mitali Singh

Mitali Singh
Dissertation Student

Current Affiliations

[Ph.D. Scholar]

Metabiosys Lab,

IISER Bhopal

Jayendra Singh

Jayendra Singh 
BSc. Visiting Student

Current Affiliations

[Master’s Student]

Molecular Biology and Genetics Unit,

Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research 

nidhi singh

Nidhi Singh
B.Sc Term Paper Student

Current Affiliations

[PhD Student]

University of Hyderabad

Currently working in Murre lab at the University of California, San Diego as a Visiting graduate student.

Harsh Kumar Dwivedi

Harsh Kumar Dwivedi
B.Sc Term Paper Student

Current Affiliations

Integrated Ph.D. student, Prof. Ganesh Nagaraju Lab,

Department of Biochemistry,

IISc, Bangalore

Arvind Kumar

Arvind Kumar
B.Sc Summer Internship

Current Affiliations

[Ph.D. student]

Bioinformatics at CSIR-CCMB Hyderabad

Anamika yadav.jpeg

Anamika Yadav
Dissertation Student

Current Affiliations

Biology faculty in GURUKUL CAMPUS, Gujarat

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